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The History of Godfatherism in Nigerian Politics

Godfatherism is best described as a form of political corruption in which an influential individual handpicks another, often less influential candi…

Biography of Dr. Olajide Abdulazeez Adediran (Jandor)

Olajide Abdulazeez Adediran, who is popularly known as Jandor.  Olajide Abdulazeez Adeniran (Jandor): Jandor, a PDP governorship Aspirant in Lagos St…

Opinion: The Child Who Did Not Cry

It was the day of my birth. I watched them silently as they hit me with great force. They slapped me on my chin, back and buttocks one after the …

5 Things to Consider Before going into Nigerian Politics

The rate at which individuals are getting involved in politics is getting alarming. Almost everyone wants to have a taste of the so-called “National …

Biography of Senator Robert Ajayi Boroffice

Born on April 23rd 1949, Professor Robert Ajayi Boroffice is a Nigerian Politician and Senator representing Ondo North Senatorial District. He was bo…

Biography of Asiwaju Dr. Oluwaseun Fakorede

Honourable Asiwaju (Dr) Oluwaseun Temidayo Fakorede was born on May 22, 1992 and hails from Ibarapa, Oyo State, Nigeria. He is a Nigerian entrepreneu…

Biography of Engineer Seyi Makinde

Born on December 24, Engineer Seyi Makinde is the executive governor of Oyo State, Nigeria Engineer Seyi Makinde is active on social media. You can c…

Coronavirus and the Politics of Life

Since the Coronavirus pandemic has taken over the world like a raging storm with over five million confirmed cases worldwide. The disease which star…

June 12, 1993: The Annulled Hope of the Common Man

In the history of Nigeria till date, the freest and fairest election according to history was conducted on the 12th of June, 1993. On this day, the w…

Advocacy for Youth Involvement in Governance puts much Emphasis on Age, not Capacity - Ekpa Stanley Ekpa

Ekpa, Stanley, Ekpa a practising lawyer and Director of the Development Watch Initiative shares in this interview, his thoughts on youths, governance…

Bola Ahmed Adekunle Tinubu; Biography and Political Ideology

This is a complete biography of the Bola Ahmed Adekunle Tinub - Nigeria's President. In this article, you will find his real name, age, net worth…

Opinion: Partners for Developmental Revolutions: Youthocracy by Ekpa Stanley Ekpa

Myriads of theorizing upon predictions, Africa is gradually earning a swelling reputation for over romanticizing ideologies than taking bold actions …

So Far So Good - A National Review on Issues Affecting Nigeria

We can decide to make rants,  asking what could be the major problem of Nigeria and w hat our fifty nine years of independence has taught us? The r…
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