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Biography of Tolulope Olayiwola (MC Remote)

MC Remote, real name, Tolulope Olayiwola, hails from Ibadan, Oyo state of Nigeria. He is professionally a standup comedian, a Nigerian actor, an On-Air Personality, a content creator and a Master of Ceremony (MC). 

 Amanesi is popularly called Pastor Remote; this is because he loves to play a role of a pastor in his comedy shows. Coach remote was born on the 17th of August 1994, and he is currently 30 years old TODAY. Pastor Remote as he is fondly called is yet to go public with his girlfriend. Though he might be in a relationship, the rumoured lady is still not known. Pastor Remote is a comedian of great repute, and he started his comedy in early 2019; then he started out making people laugh as a football coach. He acted out how Nigerian Footballer coach treats and blame their players later for all the failures. This made his comedies unique and refreshing to watch. Later he moved on to acting like a pastor and he shows how pastors act on the street and this makes people laugh. Pastor Remote is a multi-skilled content creator; he has his YouTube channel where he uploads evergreen content. He is also an Air personality with thirty-two FM radio. When it comes to comedy shows MC remote is versatile with it. He has performed on stage with other famous comedians like I go save, Akpororo, I go dye, Gordons and the rest. He is also a method actor as he has been featured in movies like Dele (2020), Seven and Half Date as James in 2018 and another comedy movie" the fate of Alakada"

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