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Biography of Niyi-Aluko Olukemi Adetola Gold (Divagold)

Full Biography of Niyi-Aluko Olukemi Adetola Gold (Divagold) - NELOC Media News

Biography of Aluko Adetola Gold (Divagold)

Born on 29th September, Niyi-Aluko Oluwakemi Adetola Gold, popularly known as Divagold or Habyke, is a fast rising Nollywood Actress, Instagram public figure, entertainer, model, celebrity and entrepreneur. She is also a Nigerian fashion and Beauty Influencer.
Diva Gold hails from Ise-Ekiti and was born to the family of Mr. and Mrs. Aluko. Growing up, Divagold attended the Cabataf Nursery and Primary School, Akure. She thereafter proceeded to St. Louis Grammar School, Akure for her secondary school education. After her secondary education, she gained admission to the reknown Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria where she  studied and bagged a BSc Degree in Computer Science in 2017.

Divagold is an extremely beautiful lady with a evenly toned face and with a polished fashion taste in clothing material and jewelery. She came into limelight after a viral comedy video of a supposed wedding with comedian, Ayomidate. However, her journey in the Nollywood entertainment industry began in 2015 with a cameo in Jenifa's Diary.

As a professional, Divagold has featured in over 100 video comedy skits and movies. She has played interesting roles with popular Nollywood actors and comedians including Debo Adedayo (Mr Macaroni), Kemi Ikuseedun (Mummy wa), IsbaeU, Officer Woos, Ayomidate and a host of others.

Movies by Aluko Adetola Gold 

Aluko Adetola Gold has featured in the following movies
  • Comment Section (2023)
  • Movie Title 2
  • Love Me Now (2023)
  • My Sunshine (2024)
  • Greener Pastures (2024)
  • Abebi the Godmother (2024) 
  • Nkan Alejo
  • Cold as Ice
  • Tangled
  • Reversed Game
Divagold is active on social media. You can connect with Divagold on her official social media handles via Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and X. You can also follow her official YouTube Channel here

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