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Barr. Onitayo Joseph Olayemi Felicitates with Speaker, Members of Osun State 8th Assembly

Barr. Onitayo Joseph Olayemi Felicitates with Speaker, Members of Osun State 8th Assembly

Dear Honorable Speaker and esteemed members of the State House of Assembly, on behalf of myself, my family and the good people of Ifedayo Local Government, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you on your recent inauguration as the Speaker of the House of Assembly, as well as to the other newly sworn-in members. It is with great joy and pride that I offer you these words of congratulations today.

Your election to these esteemed positions is a testament to your outstanding dedication, leadership, and passion for serving your community. I am confident in your abilities to lead with integrity and courage and to work collaboratively to make meaningful contributions to the development of the state and its citizens.

I am especially pleased to note that you have taken on this important role at a time when the state is faced with several complex challenges. As you work together to address issues like health, education, security, and economic development, I urge you to remain committed to the ideals of accountability, transparency, and inclusivity in your decision-making. 

Once again, please accept my sincere congratulations on your recent inauguration. I look forward to seeing the great strides you will make in your service to the people of the state in the coming years. 

Best regards,
Barr. Joseph O. Onitayo.

تعليق واحد

  1. Thank you barrister onitayo j
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