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Biography of Oluwatoyin Albert (Tomama)

Full Biography of Oluwatoyin Albert (Tomama) Datwarrigirl

Full Biography of Oluwatoyin Albert (Tomama) Datwarrigirl

Born on the 26th of December, Oluwatoyin Albert who is popularly known by fans as Datwarrigirl or Tomama is a Nigerian actress, dancer, On Air Personality (OAP) and Comedienne. She hails from Ondo state in South Western Nigeria but grew up in Warri, Delta state. 

In 2014, Oluwatoyin Albert graduated from the Department of Theatre Arts (majored in dance and drama) from Delta State University.

Religion - Christian

Datwarrigirl is a skillful, gifted and highly talented on-air personality (O.A.P) for Naija102.7 Fm.

Growing up, Oluwatoyin Albert had her secondary education, at Nana College, Warri, and Federal Government College, Ibillo, both in Delta State. Tomama proceeded to study Theatre Arts (with a major in Dance and Drama) at the Delta State University, Abraka.

Oluwatoyin Albert, Datwarrigirl an on-air personality, stand-up comedian, dancer and actress. The great talent didn't really start as a Comedienne but rather as a dancer back in 2010. However, her career as a Comedienne started in 2017 and since then she has skyrocketed to the top.

She is On Air Personality (OAP) for Naija 102.7fm.

She has worked with several comedians like Femibabs, Bovi, Warripikin, Topapa, BrodaShaggi, Isokoboi and many others

Tomama Datwarrigirl is happily married to her heartthrob. The Ondo state born comedian

Oluwatoyin Albert is rated one of the richest and most influential in the entertainment industry. She has an estimated value of about $300,000 U.S. dollars. Her estimate is based on lifetime achievement. She makes her money through acting, comedy and Television Presenter.

Oluwatoyin Albert Tomama (DatWarriGirl) is active on social media. You can connect with her via her official handles of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Tiktok.

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