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The Causes of Disability After Birth in Human Beings

The Causes of Disability After Birth in Human Beings



What is disability?

According to Wikipedia,"  disability is any condition that makes it more difficult for a person to do certain activities or effectively interact with the world around them (socially or materially). These conditions, or impairments, may be cognitive, developmental, intellectual, mental, physical, sensory, or a combination of multiple factors. Impairments causing disability may be present from birth or can be acquired during a person's lifetime. Often, disabled people are "unnecessarily isolated and excluded from full participation in society."

 The different types of disabilities are: vision Impairment, deaf or hard of hearing, mental health conditions,  intellectual disability, acquired brain injury, autism spectrum disorder, physical disability.

Disability can be as a result of impairment, disabled from birth or disabled during their lifetime.  According to World Health Organization (WHO), Over 1 billion people are estimated to experience disability. This corresponds to about 15% of the world's population, with up to 190 million (3.8%) people aged 15 years and older having significant difficulties in functioning, often requiring health care services. The number of people experiencing disability is increasing due to a rise in chronic health conditions and population ageing.

Causes of disability after birth in Human Being

There are several disabilities that occurs after birth and some causes of such disabilities are highlighted below:

1. Accidents

Many people get disabling injuries at home by burns from cooking fires, falls, road accidents, and breathing or drinking toxic chemicals. We can't also overrule work place accident. 

2. Medicines and Injections

When administered rightly, certain injected medicines,  are important to protect health and prevent disability. However, there is are some deadly injection.  Each year these unnecessary injections sicken, kill, or disable millions of persons. Also, some injected medicines can cause dangerous allergic reactions, and deafness.

3. War

In today's wars, more civilians than soldiers are killed or disabled, and most of them are women and children. Explosions cause people to become deaf, blind, and lose their limbs, as well as causing other injuries. Their mental health is also badly affected by the violence. The destruction of homes, schools, health centers, and means of livelihood that results from conflicts and wars leads to increased disability, poverty, and disease.

4. Poor access to health care

Good health care can prevent many disabilities. Difficult labor and birth can cause a baby to be born with a disability such as cerebral palsy. Trained birth attendants who can identify risks and handle emergencies can prevent babies from being born with many disabilities. Immunization can also prevent many disabilities. But many times vaccines are not available, or people who are poor or live far from cities cannot afford them, or there are not enough for everyone.       Women who work long hours without enough rest are likely to have accidents. Women who work in factories, mines or on agricultural plantations can be exposed to dangerous machinery, tools, or chemicals. Accidents, overwork and exposure to chemicals can all cause disability.

6)Poisons and pesticides

Poisons such as lead found in paints, pesticides such as rat poison, and other chemicals can cause disabilities in people and cause birth defects in babies growing in the womb. Smoking or chewing tobacco, breathing smoke, and drinking alcohol during pregnancy can also harm a child before she is born.                                    Workers often use chemicals on the job or in the fields without being taught how to use them safely, or without even knowing if they are dangerous. Accidents in factories can release poisons into the air, water, or ground, causing terrible health problems, including permanent disabilities.

7 Poverty and Malnutrition

Poverty is one of the biggest causes of disability. Poor people are most vulnerable to disability because they are forced to live and work in unsafe environments with poor sanitation, crowded living conditions, and with little access to education, clean water, or enough good food. This makes diseases such as tuberculosis and polio--and the severe disabilities they cause-- much more common because diseases get passed from one person to another more easily.

8. Nuclear Accidents

Many people have suffered after being exposed to massive amounts of radiation. According to an online report, "an accidents in nuclear power plants at Three Mile Island in the USA in 1979, and at Chernobyl in the Ukraine in 1986. And it also happened when the USA dropped nuclear bombs on Japan in 1945. These incidents caused widespread destruction and death from exposure to radiation. The people who survived these accidents and bombing attacks have suffered mainly from cancers--either tumors in various parts of the body, especially in the thyroid gland—or leukemia (cancer of the blood), all of which bring an early death. In communities where these nuclear incidents happened, there has also been an increase in the number of children born with learning difficulties, such as Down syndrome."

A chat with some people we won't like to mention their names show that their disability started due to some of the point mentioned above. Some after an taking an injection resulted to one type of disabilities and the other.

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