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Everything You Need to Know about Anxiety Disorders

So everyone’s been talking and focusing on “depression” and throwing all their weight into it, making it seems like the only mental health issue. Don’t get me wrong, it is a serious mental problem but we need to be aware of other mental issues around us that are pre-requisites to depression and not just see very other issue apart from depression as “CRAZY”.

Anxiety disorders are very common upsets that affect the mental health. Research shows that it affects 1 in 5 adults and also affects children and teens. It can be deduced that this illness is not a respecter of age or gender, although it is proven to occur more than twice as common in women as men.

Anxiety is actually a necessary, normal emotion portrayed by humans. It is that feeling that spurs you on, pushes you to put in more efforts. It’s that inner force that keeps you awake to study for that exam, pushes you to finish that paper and stay focused during a presentation or speech. It is a feeling of worry, nervousness or fear about an event or situation. Generally, it is a normal response to stress and it helps you cope with challenges. Obviously, this natural coping mechanism is very vital and much needed but as they say “Moderation in everything, including moderation”.

Anxiety disorders are extreme cases of surges of anxiety. They happen when excessive anxiety interferes with your day to day activities and programmes. They are episodes and bouts of attacks that occur and hinder progress in your daily schedule. They are really serious mental illnesses that need the very much needed attention and awareness.

Studies have revealed that there are levels and different categories of this illness. The major types are:
*     Generalized Anxiety Disorders (GAD): People suffering from this disorder worry excessively about trivial and harmless things and situations in their daily activities. They usually jump into conclusions and their minds are programmed to think and imagine the worst case scenarios every time. They generally think and expect the worst of people and situations when there is really little or nothing to worry about. Therefore, the excessive worry stalls them from doing their every day tasks. They may even worry and be tensed about just accomplishing their activities for the day. Women with GAD have a higher risk of having depression and other anxiety disorders than men with GAD.

*     Panic disorders: These are unexpected, sudden bouts of horror when there is no harm or danger whatsoever. Panic attacks may cause a sense of unreality, fear of inexistent impending doom or losing control. People having panic attacks sometimes believe they are having heart attacks, losing their minds or dying.

*     Social phobia: This is also called SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORDER. The sufferers of this disorder are allergic to “meet”. It is diagnosed when people become very anxious and self-conscious in normal everyday interactions. They usually feel watched, monitored and judged by others every time. They usually feel like the butt of every joke they hear regardless of it being related to them or not. Therefore, they feel embarrassed easily.

*     Specific phobia: This is specific to just a particular thing or subject. It is the intense fear of something of little or no danger most times. Thereby, bringing about a severe panic or anxiety attack when faced the feared object or situation.

Other conditions similar to anxiety disorders include:
*     Obsessive compulsive disorders: People with OCD have obsessions and compulsions with really unnecessary things or actions that range from having to check the stove or gas cooker severally or performing a certain routine over and over again. Consequently, these incessant rituals end up controlling the person and they become obsessed with it.

*     Post-traumatic stress disorder: PTSD starts after the experience of a traumatic event of any sort. Sometimes, the sufferer might only be a witness to a horrible or shocking event and not directly involved.

Researchers think anxiety disorders are caused by a mixture of reasons or factors I should say, which include:
*     Hormonal changes: This is more often in women and most common during pre-menstrual syndromes, menstrual cycle and menopausal changes.
*     Genetics: These disorders may run in the family and therefore, can be inherited.
*     Traumatic Events: Experiencing situations ranging from a verbal to sexual abuse can result in anxiety upsets.

Anxiety disorders usually have specific and particular symptoms, each unique to the type of disorder but the general and most commonly similar physical symptoms are:
*     Weakness
*     Shortness of breath
*     Stomach upsets
*     Dry mouth
*     Dehydration
*     Hot flashes
*     Nausea
*     Rapid heart rate
*     Dizziness
The physical symptoms of anxiety disorders usually go hand in hand with other mental illnesses.

Can Anxiety Disorders be Treated?

Yes, anxiety disorders can be treated and cured. This depends on the type of disorder and on the cause of the disorder. Treatments include:
*     Medicine: This includes the use of pills which range from relaxants to anti-depressants.
*     Counselling: Going to talk with trained therapists who use different healing methods and behavioural and relaxation therapies to help reduce and alleviate the fears.
*     The use of both counselling and medicine: this depends on the severity of the illness.

So dears, the next time you find yourself overwhelmed by a certain thing, situation or past event, please do well to talk to someone. It might not be a professional but talk to someone you feel could understand and help you. Most importantly, when life changes the terra firma from a smooth, free one to a bumpy one filled with stumps, get a chilled glass of water and relax first!

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