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The Speciality of Womankind

This article seeks to mirror the SPECIALTY OF WOMANKIND

Who is fragile like a bud, yet strong like an iron rod?

Who is beautiful and yet destroys all beasts?

International Women’s Day is celebrated every year on 8TH of March recognizing and appreciating women’s political, economic and social achievements over the decades. Women’s Day was first observed in 1909 in the United States and it is only in 1977 that the United Nations officially declared International Women’s Day celebration on March 8. An event which started as a political affair has evolved over the years and is now celebrated by gifting flowers, greeting cards and gifts to women in most regions. International Women’s Day is also an official holiday in several countries like Belarus, Armenia, Albania, Brazil, and Cameroon.

I am Ananwureyi Ohine Joy and I'm a growing woman.
The world does not know the power a woman possesses.

Muhammad Ali once said:
"There are two powers in the world, one is the sword and the other is the pen. There is a great competition between the two. There is a third power stronger than both, that of the women".

The theme of this year's IWD is PRESS FOR PROGRESS.
In our course of moving forward, let us endeavor to lift each other up. Let's leave no woman behind in our press for progress.

That reminds me the words of Phylicia Rashad:
"Anytime women come together with a collective intention, it is a powerful thing. Whether it is sitting down making a quilt, in a kitchen preparing a meal, in a club reading the same book, or around the table playing cards, or planning a birthday party; when women come together with a collective intention, magic happens".

The more we show and use the strength of our collective courage, the more it will get beautified.
No one has the power to make you feel inferior. (In marriage, submission doesn't define inferiority).
It's amazing how God made man, and so beautiful how he made woman.
You were not taken from a man's feet to be under him, nor were you taken from his head to be above him. You were taken from his side, to stand beside him and be a helpmeet.
You are not a lesser being
You are a co-creator
You are the only specie not from dust but made from the strong purpose driven man.

No matter how much men are strong from outside, they will always remain less strong than women when it comes to emotional strength (We have such influence
Never think you are any less than others.

Aunty Orifunke Lawal said, "It's time to stop looking at everything and everyone that's against you and start looking at everything and everyone that's for you".
You can simultaneously perform all your duties (no wonder research states we have the power to multitask )
In the worst conditions, you stand tall
Hats off to your spirit and power to fight.

On this day, let's honour every woman of the world for they are special, powerful and unique.
On this IWD, every woman should remember that all life springs from her. So, look at the world and smile, for without you, there would be no life.

We are cute daughters.
We are adorable mothers
We are sweet sisters
We are lovely lovers
We are darling wives
We are source of strength
We are WOMEN
Women are exceptional and a natural brand that cannot be pirated.

On this occasion, we should endeavor building a better world where men and women live harmoniously, free of violence and discrimination.
Cheers to the whole female fraternity
Cheers to you and your immeasurable power


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