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How to Calculate the Age Limit for NYSC Mobilisation in 2023

How to Calculate the Age Limit for NYSC Mobilisation in 2023
One of the most important factors that determines someone's eligibility to take part in the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) program is age. Therefore, the primary purpose of this article is to show you how NYSC calculate age limit for mobilization.

Knowing how NYSC calculate age for mobilization is important as it would help you determine your eligibility status using the same method as NYSC.

Certificate of exemption is issued to graduates that are 30 years and above at the point of graduation. So 30 years is the age limit for National Youth Service program.

However, the NYSC exemption should not be taken as a bad omen since Certificate of exemption is equivalent to discharge certificate. Many people even prefer exemption to service.

When Does NYSC Exempt Graduates from Service?

1. Exceeding the Age of Service
When the person exceeds the age of 30 years, or

2. Ex-Military Personnel
If the person has served in the Nigerian military or para-military for one year or more, or

♐ When the person is physically disabled'

NOTE: If you are a part-time graduate (CEP), exclusion letter will be given to you. Note that Exclusion Letter is less than discharge certificate. But certificate of exemption is equal to discharge certificate.

The Purpose of the NYSC

Understanding the purpose of NYSC will help you know why there age limit is placed on the scheme.

NYSC is a scheme established by the Federal Government of Nigeria after the civil war with the primary aim of fostering unity, reconciliation, rebuild and reintegrate with one another to break the hard ice which was formed between Nigerians because of the civil war.

Those eligible for this service are Nigerian youths who graduated from Universities and Polytechnic within or outside Nigeria before the age of 30. It means you are eligible to serve provided you graduated before 30 years.

So, if someone graduated before 30 years, but did not serve because of one reason or the other. Now, the person has attained 40 years, the person is eligible to serve since he/she graduated before 30 years.

How then does NYSC Calculate Age Limit for Mobilisation?

NYSC takes date of birth from information submitted to JAMB, they count starting from the date the person was born to the date he/she graduated from tertiary institution. If the person is above 30 years, as at the time of graduation, a letter of exemption will be issued to the person.

Please note that NYSC is day-sensitive, for example; if you exceed 30 years with one day at the point of graduation, you will be exempted from National Youth Service.

In the past, NYSC picks students date of birth from Corps Producing Institutions (CPIs) but when some schools manipulate age of their graduates, the scheme switched to JAMB for more accurate and reliable information.

If a candidate claims there is a mistake on their Date of Birth as submitted to JAMB, NYSC will confirm it by checking their O level data from WAEC (West African Examination Council.

Note: The date of graduation is officially written on your Degree or HND Certificate. The graduation date is not the date one wrote his final exam or project defence, but the date Degree or HND is awarded.

Now, look at some of few questions and answers relating to age limit for NYSC Mobilization.

How many times does NYSC Mobilize graduates every year?

NYSC usually take 3 Batches every year, Batch A, B and C. If the number of registered graduates is higher than expected for a Batch, NYSC would split the Batch into "Stream 1 & 2' for logistic reasons.

How many graduates are mobilised for each Batch or Stream?

The number may vary from time to time. The direct answer is that there is no exact number, but it is roughly 40,000 graduates for each Batch.

Is there any age limit for NYSC participation?

Yes, the age limit is 30 years. Anyone who exceeds 30 years at the point of graduation will not take part in the National Youth Service Corps but will be awarded a certificate of exemption.


6 تعليقات

  1. 07/ 05/ 93 date of birth
    17 /04/23 graduation date
    Is he or she eligible to serve?
  2. I was 30 years 25/10/2022 and i graduated 5th/10/2022...am i eligible for nysc?
  3. When is one said to have graduated, is it when your stamens of result is issued to you. Is it the year and month on the statement of result that is your graduation year and month ?
  4. Date of birth:06/06/1993
    Year of graduation:30/04/2022
    Am i eligible for nysc?
  5. I was born in 22/10/1992 and I graduated 13/09/2023 am I eligible for NYSC?
  6. Please answer
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