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Tinubu, Atiku Don’t Have Enough Days To Finish Spending Money They Have Kept – Baba-Ahmed

The vice-presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP) Datti Baba-Ahmed says the presidential candidates of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Bola Tinubu; and his Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) counterpart, Atiku Abubakar don’t have enough days to spend the money they have “kept”.Baba-Ahmed spoke on Channels Television’s Sunday Politics programme.

Atiku, 76; and Tinubu, 70, are two leading 2023 presidential candidates from the dominant parties.

According to the running mate of 61-year-old LP presidential candidate, Peter Obi, the APC and the PDP only have structures to distribute money and not to effect good governance to transform the lives of citizens.

“There is no such thing as structures; it is the conflagration of people interested in collecting the money they have kept. That money must be collected by somebody; you can’t leave them to get away with that money.

“Tinubu does not have enough days in his life to finish spending that money. Atiku does not have enough days in his life to spend all that money. So, they need to spend it on the 2023 elections. And people, if you have money to spend, they will collect it,” Baba-Ahmed said

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