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Top 10 UniPort Graduates Making Great Moves in the Entertainment Industry

Top 10 UniPort Graduates Making Great Moves in the Entertainment Industry
Top 10 UniPort Graduates Making Great Moves in the Entertainment Industry

Every university and tertiary institution with great goodwill would want to produce quality graduates that would compete favorably with their counterparts locally and internationally. In many cases, this is why universities create several programmes with a focus to making their institutions of world class standards in academics, research and development, infrastructure, media, entertainment and much more.

1. Andre Blaze Henshaw

Andre Blaze Henshaw is a well-known TV host, hip-hop singer (rapper) and radio personality in Nigeria. He has hosted the popular Nigeria’s Got Talent show and other reality shows on television. He studied Communications and linguistics at UNIPORT

2. Rita Uchenna Nkem Dominic Waturuocha

Fondly called Rita Dominic, Uchenna Nkem is is an amazing actress whose roles are noticeable and loved by many people; she is a recipient of the Africa Movie Academy Award 6 years ago; she studied arts at UNIPORT. You can read Rita Dominic's full biography here

3. Teria Yarhere (M Trill) 

Teria Yarhere is is a notable rapper (singer) from Nigeria who studied at Port Harcourt; his single ‘Bounce’ brought him a respected award ‘Best West African Act’ Gift.

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4. Iyumame Eke or Muma Gee 

Muma Gee is very notable for what she is doing (she sings, she acts, she designs and owns a business); she studied Arts at the University of Port Harcourt.

5. Agbani Darego

Agbani is not just a beautiful woman but also a beauty queen, she won Miss World in 2001 and has become the first African woman (native) who received this crown; this notable alumnus studied Mathematics and Computers at UNIPORT. 

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