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Coronavirus: One Year After

Coronavirus: One Year After - NELOC News Editorial
COVID-19 Latest Updates

Coronavirus, popularly known as COVID-19, broke out in Wuhan City, China as at December 2019. It started out as a sore which was ineffecrively curbed and therefore spread through the whole body. At the time, many people did not pay much attention towards the infectious disease until early 2020 when the spread of the disease became practically uncontrollable, spreading rapidly from its originating country to other countries and territories of the world while claiming lives. The world's attention has now been drawn towards this infectious disease.

Halting business, education and the general existing structure of live, many individuals and organisations have had their share of the lot. Until the later part of 2020, individuals and institutions had

Our Health in Nosemasks

The use of Nose masks as the "New Normal" all across the world birthed questions as to whether its use really prevents COVID-19. It turns out to mean that wearing a mask is only significant for protection, saftey and hygiene. The advice on the use of nosemasks in public places is way different in various Countries. In Asian and European Countries, the wearing of nose masks in public has been a new normal since the outbreak of COVID-19.

While in some African countries like Nigeria where lockdown has been partially eased the use of Nose masks is enforced in order to prevent the wide spread of respiratory infectious disease such as the COVID-19.

The use of masks is not an alternative to staying at home when you feel sick (self isolation). At the same time, it is not an alternative for hygiene such as washing the hand with soap and alcohol based hand sanitizers.

COVID -19 Palliatives

In October 2020, the #EndSARs protests erupted across the country where individuals requested better governance and a total reform of the Nigerian Police force. This was as a result of the many deaths ensuing from the extra-judicial activities of the Federal Special Anti-Robbery Squad. Shortly after, there was a discovery of the first palliative warehouse and many others.
While many believe that the discovery of the palliative store houeses was a distraction from the revolution that was coming, it was much more. It exhumed corrupt practices that are inbuilt and woven into the Nigerian system.


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