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The Value of Sports and Exercise

The Value of Sports and Exercise


Basically everyone is a counsellor offering solicited and unsolicited advice.

Please permit me also to give free and beneficial advice to you on sport, exercise and its value.

University of Ibadan takes sport with much importance and have good and workable facilities and equipment. There are varieties of sport to engage in depending on your choice. Sport is one sure extracurricular activities to engage from its numerous health benefit and other gains present, ranging from financial gains, opportunity to travel, networking with people and connection. Also aerobics and morning jogs is widely performed in the campus.
Sporting and exercise is good, but do you know how good? The health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are hard to ignore. Everyone benefits from sport and exercise, regardless of age, sex or physical ability.

The benefits of sport and exercise are far more than just losing weight or achieving that “bikini body/ summer body.” which are plus. Exercise benefits everything from sleep quality to energy level, and even memory. From making one happier to helping one live longer, regular exercise is key to living a healthy, balanced life. Even something as simple as a morning jog.
Health Benefit of Sport, Work-Out and Exercising

1. Exercise controls weight
Exercise can help prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss. When one engage in physical activity, one burn calories. The more intense the activity, the more calories one burn.

2. Exercise combats health conditions and diseasesRegular exercise helps prevent or manage a wide range of health problems and concerns, including stroke, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, depression, a number of types of cancer, arthritis and falls.

3. Exercise improves mood
Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed.

4. Exercise boosts energy
Regular physical activity can improve one’s muscle strength and boost endurance with increasing strength and flexibility.

5. Exercise promotes better sleep
Regular physical activity can help one fall asleep faster and deepen ones sleep.

6. Exercise boosts Self Confidence
The simple act of exercise and not fitness itself can convince you that you look better especially in the age of outward appearance and "Instagram body". Exercise boost confidence and overall self-esteem.

7. Exercise improves mental health and mood.
Physical activity helps in keeping ones' thinking, learning, and judgment skills sharp as one age.

8. Exercise can be fun … and social!

Sport and physical activity can be enjoyable. It gives one a chance to unwind, enjoy the outdoors, break free from monotonous school/class to hall/room routine or simply engage in activities that make one happy. Physical activity can also help one in connecting with friends, meet new friends, meet fine and well chiseled guys also in a fun social setting.
Find any sport or physical activity you enjoy doing or any that catches your fancy. Enrollment to these sports are free in the campus with expert ready to teach and mould you to any sport you want to participate in. It's no news that female participation in sport are generally low compared to male counterpart. Taking advantage of these gaps give wide range of opportunities for female. Many have been lucky to travel all over the world as a result of participation in sport.

Here's a compiled list of sports present in the campus with their training area.

Judo( Martial Art)- Old Gym opposite Faculty of Education

 Taekwando (Martial Art)- Squash Court, SUB

Squash -Squash Court, SUB opposite Bello Hall

Swimming- Swimming pool, SUB

Basketball -Basketball court, Awo Stadium

Lawn Tennis -Tennis court, SUB

 Badminton -Old Gym, opposite Faculty of Education

Volleyball -Volleyball court, SUB

Soccer -Awo stadium

Athletics (Track and Field Event)- Awo Stadium
Hockey Cricket Pavilion- SUB

Table Tennis -Old Gym, Faculty of Education

Handball- Handball court, Faculty of Education
While at campus, enjoy all the perks campus life has to offer. Don't limit yourself. Find a sport that interest you, engage in it, practice well, explore, experience, participate in competitions, earn money and medals and make memories.

Basically Eat Well!! Live well!! And Exercise Well!!!

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