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Biography of Adigun Abidemi Nafisat

Adigun Abidemi Nafisat is a fast rising American based Nollywood actress, filmmaker, script writer, story creator, dancer, producer and critic. Adigu…

Biography of Rasheedat Ajibade

Rasheedat Ajibade is a professional football player who currently plays for Athletico Madrid Femenino and Nigeria. Popularly known as Rash, she was b…

June 12, 1993: The Annulled Hope of the Common Man

In the history of Nigeria till date, the freest and fairest election according to history was conducted on the 12th of June, 1993. On this day, the w…

Power: Looking Towards Heavens (Solar energy) and Earth (coal &Hydroenergy)

Solar energy, radiation from the Sun capable of producing heat, causing chemical reactions, or generating electricity. The total amount of solar ener…

5 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Skin Care Products

As the name suggests, Skin care simply means the care of the skin. You can simply take care of your skin with any kind of skin products that comes …

Family Plays a Huge Role in Language Appreciation - Olagunju Modupe

Olagunju Modupe believes that our Local language generally brings about cultural identity. As Founder of Yoruba Learning Initiative, Asalewa, the fu…

Dyslexia: One Disorder I DON’T MIND

I know the title of this article is quite strange. Do I really want to have a  disorder? Probably not! Still, there is something that really intrigue…
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